Fifendekel realizes during these unprecedented times we must come up with creative alternatives to ensuring a healthy lunchtime option is available for you, We are introducing “Store to Door” delivery.  Healthy food options are always important in ensuring healthy bodies and minds.  We roast our beef and turkey.  We boil every egg for your egg salad sandwich and ingredients that make up our pies are made from fresh or frozen fruits. During the hours of 8:00 am – 1:30 pm, Monday to Friday, we will do our best to provide delivery service but reserve the right to decline a delivery based on our available staffing.  A minimum of order of $40 and a $5 delivery charge will be required. Our staff will call upon arrival and will leave the order on your doorstep.  (staff will not be allowed to enter any residential building and will only offer a lobby drop off option for businesses). If you are reducing your exposure to others or have a family member who is required to isolate, what would be finer than having lunch delivered?  Soup, sandwich and remember the pie. Call 780-465-4444 to place your order.